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Dezinfex FACID 333 Detergent

Phosphoric Acid based, highly concentrated long cling foam detergent.

Availability: In stock
Manufacturer: Royal Ilac
VAT: 19%

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Phosphoric Acid based, highly concentrated long cling foam detergent. Easily removes limescales, protein, mineral, water and salt residues from stainless surfaces
and all equipments.

Usage Areas: Designed for cleaning and providing hygiene for especially stainless surfaces of milking systems and their equipments, seramic surfaces. It should be
used with care on the unknown surfaces, could damage them.

Components and Technical Details:
• Includes Phosphoric Acid < 40% foam maker surfactant agents (Surfactants), surface protectors and chelating agents to maintain the effectiveness of hard water.
• No Nitric Acid.
• pH 1 – 2.

Important considerations before use: Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. Wet and clean the rough dirt with hot water and soak the surface. Storage, transport and security: Keep away from incompatible substances and dont use together with alkali based products. Keep only in the original container. Keep container closed and in a clean, cool, and well ventilated place away from heat, flammable materials and intense light. Avoid residues of the product on the containers. Containers which are opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevent leakage. Undiluted form is harmful for skin and eyes, use protective glass and mask.
